If you are being totally honest, long hauls are usually monotonous after driving for about 20 miles. The humming sound from the tires along with driving past scenery that you have seen over and over again is a lethal combination. It may cause you to experience road fatigue. Road fatigue results in you losing attention and being less keen. However, you may wonder what techniques to use to ensure that as you drive your MC, you are alert. Staying awake while driving will keep you safe because it will significantly minimize the chances of you causing an accident. Here are a few tips.
1. Cat-nap before hitting the road
Sleeping for even less than an hour is essential for your body. Even if it is not much, your body will receive the rest that it requires so that you can stay awake even late into the night. While driving, pull over once in a while and take a power nap. Napping for even twenty minutes will do you a lot of good. Avoid suppressing your fatigue to save time. You might end up causing accidents, thus damaging the truck or worse still, hurting yourself and others.
2. Healthy Meals
You need to eat a healthy meal after having a pre-route nap. Grabbing yourself some fast food while on the road may seem convenient, but the processed fat, sugar and salt will make you tired. Eating healthy meals means that you are eating the required diet. When you eat complex proteins and carbohydrates from well-planned meals, you will have long-lasting energy. Eat foods such as vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, as well as fruits. These will give you stamina, thus keeping you awake while you are driving.
3. Take a break when you are tired
Park aside when you get exhausted, move outside, and stretch a little. As you drive for miles and miles, it means that you are sitting for long periods. You need to move around a little to keep your blood circulating well in your body. Good circulation means that your energy levels are maintained. You can take advantage of inspections and take a break. This will keep both the authorities and yourself happy. You can also use these breaks to inspect your bike to ensure that everything is in order. If anything needs fixing, you can use the spares that you have brought along. You can check out XLmoto for quality spare parts that you may need on your long drives.
4. Drive in a Cohort
Unless you have a two-seater motorcycle, driving your bike is usually a one man job. However, it doesn’t have to be that lonely. By getting your crew together, you can make these long-distance drives much more fun and social. Don’t have friends with bikes? Don’t worry, there are a lot of associations out there for any motorcycle fanatic out there and they’re usually very open-minded and friendly as well. Who knows, you might even meet your future best friend there since there’s a lot of studies showing mutual interests are key for healthy, everlasting relationships.
To summarize it all, driving long distances is very demanding for both your mind and body. Just ensure that you are responsible and kind to your body so that it can work well for you. It is imperative to ensure that the package, a.k.a. you, reaches the destination in perfect condition. Having that said, these tips will surely come in handy.